
Speaks basic English

Welcome to my profile, my name is Carolina, a Biomedicine student and I'm a Massage Therapist, I perform sensual massages, Nuru, Mix Nuru Mutual, if that's your preference, prostate and inversion.
I am a beautiful, elegant, attractive, fragrant and polite woman, a girlfriend style for those looking for high standard service.
Serving men, women and couples, fulfilling fantasies and fetishes to match.
I travel and I'm great company to go to dinners and events. Come and see my work, serving Copacabana with my own location and the entire south zone, Barra with external service in Hotels and Residences. 
Get out of a stressful day and come relax with me, I'm waiting for you.

1 - photo of Carolina

  Model information

Age:30 years old
Weight:149 Lbs
Size Mannequin:4
Foot size:7.5
Skin color:Light Brunette
Color of Hair:Blond
Eye color:Green

  Culture and Service

Education and LanguageUniversity Level, Speaks English
Attendance:Who: Men, Women, Couples
Where: Events/Parties, Travels, to Combine
Meets in the neighborhood:South Zone
Also attends incall, situated: Rio de Janeiro - Copacabana
Attendance - When:From Monday to Friday: from 11:00 AM to 12:00 AM
On Saturdays: from 11:00 AM to 12:00 AM
Sundays/Holidays: from 11:00 AM to 12:00 AM
2 - photo of Carolina
3 - photo of Carolina
4 - photo of Carolina
5 - photo of Carolina
6 - photo of Carolina
7 - photo of Carolina
8 - photo of Carolina
9 - photo of Carolina
10 - photo of Carolina
11 - photo of Carolina
12 - photo of Carolina
13 - photo of Carolina
14 - photo of Carolina
15 - photo of Carolina
16 - photo of Carolina
17 - photo of Carolina

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